Sunday, March 22, 2009

It Can't Be Much Longer (I hope)

And I'm sure Phoebe feels the same way! Saturday, her temperature bottomed out at 98.1, then went back up to 99.5 and stayed within that range until this afternoon, when it dipped again to 98.8. She also refused her breakfast yesterday, but continued to enjoy her cookies. Today, she has even refused those! But, she was able to eat the canned meat from tonight's dinner. For a girl who has never let a tidbit or crumb pass her by, this has to mean that things will be happening soon. She only wants to stay in her crate, finding very odd positions for resting. Every time I check on her though, her eyes are open and ears are up, as if she's waiting for something. Sometimes I think our girls wait for the house to settle into the normal routine, which the week-ends don't offer. We've been busy with yard work, going in and out of the house a lot and my sister was by for a long visit this afternoon. I suspect Phoebe will start labor not long after David leaves for work in the morning--which is what Lauren did last year and Kirby did 3 years ago.

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