Monday, March 23, 2009

Home with Her New Family

Phoebe and her babies came home about 2:00 this afternoon. She was very slow in waking up--perhaps realizing the real work was just starting and trying to delay it as long as possible--but the vet staff allowed the pups to nurse and let the new family bond. What a difference when I went to pick them up! The one pup looked 24 hours older and definitely much fatter.
Since we've been home, Phoebe prefers her crate to being in the whelping box with the pups. As she has been so drowsy, I have let her be in the crate and I bring her the pups for nursing, plus I can carefully monitor her behavior with them. She has been a model mama, cleaning, washing faces and nuzzling.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Very cute babies. Good luck with them.