Monday, April 13, 2009

Three Weeks Old

Dixie is getting so big! She's about three pounds, opened her eyes and ears last week and is starting to play with the toys I put in her box. She loves to snuggle with her "big brother" and has some favorite tickle spots to be scratched. Her walking skills still need some work but has no difficulty getting to mom when it's time to eat!
Dixie's had lots of visitor the last couple of week-ends. Phoebe is generally pretty good about showing off her baby, but I'm the only one who can pick Dixie up. If I don't stay by the box, Phoebe gets uncomfortable and always lets us know when she thinks her company has stayed long enough!

1 comment:

jchen said...

At the rate she's growing, the "big brother" will soon become "little brother"! LOL...